Mornington Crescent from Mrs Ivy Trellis home

Mornington Crescent

A brief history

The great game of Mornington Crescent was first played in Newtown, mid Wales between the half-unknown half-brother of Jules Ceaser (Dai Ceaser) and Jack Jones the Butcher on Market Street in the year AD43. A particularly vicious vertical move to Fairlop via Bank resulted in an unsightly street brawl outside the Irish pub and three days of disturbances. When order was restored it was decreed that only disused stations on the London underground may be used to make any vertical move in the game. The unfortunate end result of this has been that until Mornington Crescent is moved from its current position, the game in mid Wales started in AD43 continues to this day.

Mrs Ivy Trellis has kindly agreed to allow her website to be used in a continuation of this game which is now reaching its pinnacle of conflict. You are invited to take part. Please sign in using the form to the right. You can watch to start with and when you see an opportunity to participate please feel free to make a move in what we believe to be the longest running version of the game.

Experienced players of the game please note that although Welsh Sunday restrictions apply, Norton's Convention on horizontal moves still applies.

Instructions for how to play Mornington Crescent

The board (well, we are already)

Mornington Crescent game area

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